Rate Us

As we strive for excellence here at Essex Salon, we covet your feedback. It encourages us when we are doing things right and also helps us see areas to improve. We thank you for taking the time to rate us.

How was your experience at Essex Street Salon?

I Loved it!

Yay! We love happy clients!

Just ok

What can we do better?


We can make it right.

We love happy Clients!

Do you mind leaving a shout out on a public review site?


We want to make it right

We never want to see an unhappy client. We always want to see our clients leave happy. If you were disappointed with any part of your service please submit your name and phone number so that we can make it right.

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    Tuesday: By Appointment

    Wednesday: 10am - 5pm

    Thursday: 10am - 8pm

    Friday: 10am - 4pm

    Saturday: 9am - 4pm

    Sunday/Monday: Closed